Dit is de Hip Pocket Mullica wallet, misschien wel de beste Card to wallet die nu nog beter is geweorden!
Bereid je voor op een gesigneerde kaart naar portemonnee routine zonder palmeren. Sterker nog, alles gebeurt VOL IN BEELD en niemand die het ziet...
Iemand uit je publiek kiest een willekeurige kaart en signeert deze. De kaart gaat terug in het spel en wordt geschud. Maak nu een magische beweging en zeg dat de kaart uit het spel is verdwenen en in je portemonnee gekomen die al vanaf het begin van de truc op tafel lag!
Open de portemonee en laat zien dat IN de portemonnee NOG een portemonnee, met een rits. Open de rits en in die portemonne zit inderdaad een speelkaart. Verbazingwekkend is het (uiteraard) de gesigneerde speelkaart!
De Mullica wallet is al jarenlang een favoriet voor vele professionele goochelaars over de hele wereld. Niet alleen omdat het gaat om een dubbele wallet, maar ook omdat het zo makkelijk is. Geen palmeren en de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos. In deze Tim Trono versie leer je Nick's onmogelijke kaart onthulling waar een vrij genoemde kaart in de portemonnee komt.
De portemonnees zijn herontworpen voor makkelijk gebruik. Ze zijn stijlvoor en duurzaam. Dit is de Genuine leather uitvoering.
Ook perfect voor beginners omdat het laden van de wallet makkelijk is en dus vol vertrouwen gedaan kan worden.
Pro's zullen dit ook te gek vinden omdat het een allerdaags voorwerp is en 100% betrouwbaar is. Deze wallet laat je nooit in de steek.
Bestel je Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet by Tim Trono vandaag nog!
Had de pro's er van vinden:
"If I had to pick only 3 magic props to have for the rest of my career, without question or hesitation the Hip Pocket Mullica is on that list! I cannot recommend it more highly and the newest production is the best ever! Elegant and functional, with tremendous attention to detail…do yourself a favor and hit BUY NOW :)" -
Oz Pearlman
"Tim's new version of the Mullica wallet takes it to the next level; not only is it extremely practical but the look and feel is exquisite. This new wallet is something you will be proud to carry. I highly recommend this powerful tool for magical entertainers." -
Jeff McBride
"Card to Wallet kills! ... Card to Double Wallets kills more! Easy to handle and the smaller wallet makes it more comfortable and less Sus! Great upgrade!" -
Magick Balay
"Although I have been performing with the original Mullica Wallet for over 25 years, I am switching to Tim Trono's "SuperSlim Hip Pocket" version. Tim's new wallet is very elegant and looks less like a prop. And the zipper inside is a MAJOR improvement." -
Larry Hass
"I loved this wallet when it first came out and you’ve made it even better this time around. Everybody should own this!" -
Chris Rawlins
"Like many magicians, I love the latest and greatest magic wallet but, when I need to fry someone on an audition or come across as a class act on a gig, I always use my Hip Pocket Mullica! It looks great and the load is so smooth, plus it's perfect for those casual, no jacket situations because I can have it in my hip pocket ready to amaze." -
Terry Oberman
"The slim Hip Pocket Mullica is always with me at my close-up gigs. It's well made, easy to use and looks completely innocent of guile. I'll let you into a couple of secrets. First is that the presentation I use most of the time is based on Eugene Burger's handling. That routine is short, well-paced and the finish is stunning. I've often used it when leaving a gig and someone asks to see something. That's the perfect time to leave them with their signed card and your business card. The other thing is that I have two of the wallets as I was always taught to have a spare of anything I use in my shows. Highly recommended." -
Quentin Reynolds
"It’s THE worker’s Mullica given its durability and practical size." -
Bruce Wilcox
"This is my absolute favorite. I've put all my normal wallet stuff into the Mullica and use it as my everyday wallet." -
Joe Russell
"This is the original, only authorized, and best version of the Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet. Years ago, I developed the idea of a smaller wallet I could carry as my regular wallet for my own use. I was using the regular Mullica Wallet in my walk around magic gigs as a closer. Tony Miller manufactured a few for my own use and I kept the idea tight. But it then started to get around so I received permission from Jerry Mentzer (who owned the rights) and then later the blessing from Tom Mullica himself. In this release, we have improved the quality in every respect. There's a choice between Vegan leather and real leather. We have improved the zipper while maintaining the great idea by Tommy Wonder. The design includes some small but important changes that allow an even more streamlined handling. Includes a new instructional video by Nick Locapo and new handling ideas. We have picked only the best ideas and will be updating the tutorial as new ideas flow in. There is always a deluge of new magic wallets on the market. Like you, I buy many of them out of curiosity. But the Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet stands as my go- to card to wallet. It has stood the test of time as the most practical tools for one of the strongest strolling effects you can do. You can't do anything after this effect." -
Tim Trono