Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford

Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford
Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford
Sleightly Out Of Order boek by Patrick Redford
1 Review | Review plaatsen
Dit is het langverwachte tweede boek van Patrick Redford: Sleightly Out of Order. Ondanks dat dit het tweede boek is, hoef je niet perse het eerste deel te hebben gelezen, het is een op zich...

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Dit is het langverwachte tweede boek van Patrick Redford: Sleightly Out of Order.
Ondanks dat dit het tweede boek is, hoef je niet perse het eerste deel te hebben gelezen, het is een op zich losstaand boek!

In "Sleightly Out of Order" ga je veel kaart plots, zowel klassieke als nieuwe vinden. De routines variëren van spelling trucs tot triumphs. Trucs met een mooi verhaal tot mentale trucs die je toeschouwers gek maken. Gok demonstraties enzelfs een creatieve versie van onze eigen Tommy Wonder's Elizabeth serie.
Ook zeer interessante applicaties voor zowel het Gilbreath en het Krusal principe (alleen dat is al magisch!).
De routine's in dit deel gaan in op de iconische Si-Stebbins systeem, waar je door een snelle overhand shuffle in komt vanuit de Redford stack, de Power/Parallel stack, Heinlein Hold'em Stack en meer. Uiteraard zal er ook uitgebreidt worden stilgestaan bij de Redford stack. Of je nu al heel veel met een stack deck hebt gewerkt of geen flauw idee waar we het over hebben, dit boek is een must-have!

Voorwoord is geschreven door Max Maven

"As you will soon see, Patrick has investigated many nooks and crannies in his pursuit of interesting material... With so much to choose from, it would be difficult to name my favorite, but at the moment I'd single out "Duncical ACAAN," a whimsical (and surprisingly sensible) version of that popular plot, the latest development of an approach that Patrick has been working on since 2003. He has published earlier solutions; I like this more."
Max Maven

"This book is absolutely excellent. I've always felt that the memorized deck can be made so much stronger when combined with sleight of hand. This book contains not only routines with the Redford stack but also effects that you can use with ANY memorized deck. Definitely check out Sleightly Out of Order!"
Harapan Ong

"In my opinion, Patrick Redford is one of the most unappreciated creators and thinkers in magic today. Sleightly Out of Order goes deep into the topic of memorized deck routines. ...I highly Recommend it!"
Karl Hein

"I'm a student of memorized deck magic, and Patrick Redford continues to surprise and impress with his latest volume of magic, Sleightly Out of Order. In particular, the half-stack work was extremely interesting. He has truly explored every ounce of the stack and teaches it with care and detail."
Joshua Jay

"A continuation and further exploration of the Redford stack. It also contains several routines that are stack independent. There's memory demonstrations, spelling tricks, an any card at any number that's really good. There's even a section using the Level One gimmick (From Vanishing Inc). There's a really broad variety of stuff with great, clever thinking and I highly recommend it to you!"
Matt Baker

Patrick Redford is a very smart man and this hands off ACANN in Sleightly Out of Order makes me think even more highly of him, if that was even possible."
Jon Armstrong

"When I'm trying to solve a magic problem, I call Patrick Redford and he either solves that problem or points me to a great book that solved the problem a long time ago. Sleightly Out of Order is no exception. The tricks built into the Redford stack it are super dope. The construction is really really smart and you'd definitely benefit to learn them."
Ben Seidman

"You don't want to miss this one!"
Paul Vigil

"There's a reason Patrick's one of my go to people when I'm developing new effects and routines for my show. He's so knowledgeable in all things magic and mentalism and that's definitely apparent in his latest book, Sleightly Out of Order. In it he dives deeper into the Redford stack which he developed and introduced in his last book, Temporarily Out of Order but you can use any stack that you're comfortable with. He leaves no stone unturned in his explanations because dives deep not into how to do the effect but also why. Patrick is also the king of crediting so you get a little glimpse into his thought process in how he develops these amazing ideas. Some of my favorites include 'Your Luck is in the Cards' which takes a probability principle and makes it surefire; the 'Perpetual Birthday Card' that modernizes a standard plot by using technology so it's applicable to any performing situation in today's times; and also 'Never Going to Give You Up' which is not a 'Rick Roll' but an amazing truth teller/liar presentation that allows you to tell how many cards a participant cuts to, what card they're thinking of, as well as many other cards they're gazing their vision across to think of. It's really incredible. This book definitely deserves a place on your bookshelf and I hope you check it out."
Eric Dittelman

"If you don't have the first book Temporarily Out of Order check it out... you're going to want the second book too. Be sure to do that and you will thank me later!"
Mark Strivings

"I remember The Professor stating, 'Many magicians stop thinking too early.' I know Dai was not referring to Patrick Redford who I consider one of the best creative and genius thinkers in magic today. 'If you are a serious minded magician, Patrick Redford's material is a must to have."
Howard Hamburg

When I first started to use a memorized deck I first choose Juan Tamariz' Mnemonica. I bought Redford's first book, Temporarily Out of Order with no intention of changing the stack I had already memorized. Once I got deep into Redford's stack I found that it had more possibilities for me than Mnemonica did. Of course, I could get it into both a new deck order and a shuffled deck in use. I could also get into Si-Stebbins, Memorized Stay Stack, or virtually any stack I wanted. If I wanted a red black stack all I need to is shift three cards. The Redford stack is also packed with Poker deals. Among the many powerful routines in this newest work, I'm enamored with the Texas Hold'em deal that allows me to deal any hand called for. If you're starting into memorized deck work, I would definitely urge you to check out The Redford Stack before making your final decision on which stack to learn."
Jim Turnpaugh

"Patrick is one of my favorite magicians of all time. It's so, so good with so many great ideas. Stop right now and go buy it!"
Bernardo Sedlacek


Moet ik het eerste deel gelezne hebben?
Nee, je kunt zo in de Redford Stack duiken zonder kennis van het eerste boek

Ik gebruik deze stack niet, kan ik dit boek toch gebruiken?
Zeker, ongveer 10% van dit boek gebruikt de Redford stack en kun je niet doen! De rest kun je prima gebruiken als je met een andere stack zoals Mnemonica, oid werkt!


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Review plaatsen
Steven Beersmans - 30-03-2021 09:29

Ik ben een groot liefhebber van memdeck-work. Eerst ben ik begonnen met Mnemonica (Tamariz), dan Memorandum (Woody Aragon). Daarom twijfelde ik even om dit boek aan te schaffen omdat ik geen interesse had om nog een nieuwe stack tot mij te nemen, maar Patrick Redford overtuigde mij na het lezen van de introductie al meteen om ook hier helemaal in te duiken. Dit boek zit boordevol prachtige effecten en interessante concepten/theorieën, heel goed beschreven en vaak ontworpen voor goochelaars die niet meteen superhandig zijn met vergevorderde kaartmoves.
Een groot voordeel van de Redford-stack is dat je heel makkelijk in en uit Si-stebbins kan gaan.
Bij het boek komt ook een link naar heel veel online tutorials die zeker een grote meerwaarde geven bij het boek.
Een absolute aanrader!

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